Saturday, July 26, 2014

Almost there!

Well, I've completed my second last week of work. Five days from today, I will complete my last day of work and will be officially retired! I've wondered if this day would ever come. The light at the end of the tunnel is not a freight train, after all! LOL!
We had moved into the RV on the 15th and still do not have a home for everything that we have brought into it. I think that is making my very organized better half a bit edgy, so I'll have to work on that! I have to modify one cabinet by removing the shelf or raising it, so the sewing machine will fit into it. Then, I have to build a cabinet by the front door to house all of Maggie's dog food, leash, etc. We have a piece of plywood that we put in front of the door to protect the door from Maggie if her separation anxiety gets the best of her, when we leave her alone in the RV. In the past, she had scratched and chewed the door frame in our house and destroyed the door screen in the RV. However, she has gotten better. We've examined the plywood each time we come back and there has been no damage to it the last couple of times that we have left her alone. Hopefully, she will be "cured" and we can dispose of the plywood.
I also need to set up a WiFi system. We are going to keep our printer in the bedroom and do not want to have to haul our computers in there to print. Also, my Denon Surround Sound System is internet ready and I want to connect it also. That will enable us to listen to internet radio, show photos from our cell phones on the flat screen TV, etc.
So, since we are living in the RV since the 15th and no longer own a house, we must be RV full timers! However, we will feel more like full timers after I retire and we hit the road! It won't be too much longer. Sometime in the second week of August, we will hit start our trip to Arkansas and that will mark the beginning or our adventures!   

Friday, July 18, 2014

The next step...

Yesterday, 7/17/2014, the movers for the storage company came and picked up all of our furniture and belongings that we are not getting rid of or taking with us. It's now a little odd walking into the house and seeing it totally empty. Sad for one part of our life, but so exciting that we are about to embark on the next phase of our life. As we were giving away and donating stuff, the house started to develop an echo. When Maggie barked, it seemed so much louder than normal!
Another "next step" was to move the RV from the S&B (Sticks & Bricks) house to our local KOA campground. We did that yesterday, as well. So, this is the first "stay" of our new lifestyle. This KOA is very nice although close to the interstate, so you do hear the noise of the traffic. It's not a problem for us since we are well insulated and have double pane windows. We don't hear the noise inside and I slept like a baby last night.

The staff at this KOA (Link thingy) are very nice and very helpful. If this place wasn't so close to our S&B, (about 6 to 8 miles) we would have stayed here before! If you are traveling this way, we recommend it. They also have cabins and you can see part of one behind our camper. Ginny (the lady at the desk) said all you need is food and charcoal! They are fully set up and ready. I think she said $90 a night for a 2 person and $120 or $130 a night for 6 person cabins.
We will be here at the KOA for about a month. I'll retire on the 31st of July. We'll use the rest of the time to take care of local business, spend time with friends and family and say goodby to Camden County. We've enjoyed our life here and will come back often to visit. When we leave the KOA, we will head for Berryville, Arkansas. Slowly, that is, because we'll be retired!  

Friday, July 11, 2014

Update to our Full Timing status

We are getting closer and closer to becoming full-timers! On the afternoon of June 16th, Nicole Readdick (our agent) placed the "for sale" sign in the front yard. On Wednesday, June 18, she called and said there were people that wanted to see our house that night at 6:15. We said, come on! That night, Nicole called and said the people really liked the house and would be making an offer the next day. Thursday, June 19th, we had a full price offer! The closing date is set for July 21st. We are another step closer to being full time RVers!
Now, we have a lot of "stuff" to get rid of. Kids, friends and grandchildren got a lot of stuff. The trash men got a lot! Useable stuff that nobody wants goes out to the road where it mysteriously disappears! We are keeping enough "stuff" to start back in a small home, if we decide the nomadic lifestyle is not for us. That "stuff" will go into an environmentally controlled storage facility. They will be here on Thursday, July 17th to take away our "stuff"! We are going to move into our RV between the 13th and 15th. Then on the 16th, we will move the RV to our local KOA campground where we will stay for about one month. After the closing, I'll work until the end of the month and, on August 1st, I will be officially retired! Dodie retired last September, so we will be free to pursue our full timing dream!
First stop" We dunno! First destination? Berryville, Arkansas. Why Berryville? That's where our daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter live. One of the advantages to being a full time RVer is the ability to visit family and we plan to do that!